Revolutionary War Political Cartoon Analysis: Extra Credit

Below are political cartoons drawn during the Revolutionary War era.  These cartoons can help us better understand the attitudes, beliefs, and culture of the people living in what is the first real conflict in United States history (as its own country) and the ways that people publically revealed their beliefs and opinions, much like we do today!  Analyze like a historian!  Take a deep look at each of these political cartoons and examine the images being used and what you think are the emotions or messages that the artist is trying to communicate.

I am NOT asking you to tell me what historical event is being shown in each cartoon.  The questions that I would like you to consider while analyzing these cartoons are:

  1. What types of images are being used in the cartoon?
  2. Does the cartoon show a “real-life” event or is it a metaphor for something else?
  3. What kinds of emotions/messages do you think the artist is trying to communicate? Why do you think?


1. “Join, or Die” – Ben Franklin

Image result for revolutionary war political cartoons

2. “Tarring and Feathering the Tax Man” (The Bostonians Pay the Exciseman)

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3. “The British Force Tea on Lady Liberty”

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4. “The Horse America, Throwing His Master”

Image result for revolutionary war political cartoons

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